Table of Contents
Fatigue strength: PH1 steel (Vxx/Snn)
This page presents the S-N curves and fatigue limit of PH1 steel samples that underwent shot-peening only, obtained using the bending tests of rotating bars with AM layers normal to the axis of rotation.
Production and prost-processing conditions
Build orientation of longitudinal axis | vertical |
Position with respect to inert gas flow | undefined |
Post-processing | shot-peening |
Experimental S-N curve
Wöhler curve
Fatigue limit (MPa) | 217 |
Number of cycles to failure N | N=7,34⋅10<html>13</html>⋅S<html>-3,41</html> |
Stress amplitude S (MPa) | S=11553⋅N<html>-0,293</html> |
Explanation of the terms are given at the page Fatigue strength description.
This page is a part of the section DMLS/SLM: Fatigue design rules.
2.dr/ · Last modified: 2021/12/27 19:27 by soskicz