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Properties of DMLS/SLM materials

This page lists the available DMLS/SLS materials and presents their properties, as they are relevant for application of design rules.

Maraging steel MS1

EOS Maraging Steel MS1 steel corresponds to US classification 18% Ni Maraging 300 steel, European 1.2709 steel and German X3NiCoMoTi 18-9-5 steel. The chemical composition is presented in the following table:

Material composition (weight %)
Fe Ni Co Mo Ti Al Cr Cu C Mn Si P S
balance 17‑19 8.5‑9.5 4.5‑5.2 0.6-0.8 0.05-0.15 <0.5 <0.03 <0.1 <0.01

This kind of steel is characterized by having very good mechanical properties, and being easily heat treatable using a simple thermal age-hardening process to obtain excellent hardness and strength.

Parts built from EOS Maraging Steel MS1 are easily machinable after the building process, and can be hardened to more than 50 HRC using age-hardening at 490 °C for 6 hours. Both in as-built and age-hardened states the parts can be machined, spark-eroded, welded, micro shot-peened, polished and coated if required. Due to the layerwise building method, the parts have a certain anisotropy, which can be reduced or removed by appropriate heat treatment.

Mechanical properties
Property Value
Tensile strength
-building direction 1100±150 MPa
-transversal direction 1200±100 MPA
Yield strength
-building direction 930±150 MPa
-transversal direction 1100±150 MPa
Elongation at break
-building direction ?
-transversal direction 12±4 %
Modulus of elasticity
-building direction 140±25 MPa
-transversal direction 150±25 MPa
Hardness 33-37 HRC
Thermal properties
Property Value
Thermal conductivity 15±0.8 W/mK
Specific heat capacity 450±20 J/kgK
Max. operating temp. 4000C
Product properties
Property Value
Layer thickness
Surface regime 20 μm
Performance regime 40 μm
Speed regime 50 μm
Density 8.0-8.1 g/cm3
Relative density ≈100%
Dimension accuracy
-small parts ±20μm
-large parts ±50μm
Age-hardening shrink ≈0.08%
Min. wall thickness 0.3-0.4 mm
Surface roughness
Performance regime
Ra 5 μm
Rz 28 μm
Speed regime
Ra 9 μm
Rz 50 μm
After shot-peening
Ra 4-6.5 μm
Rz 20-50 μm
After polishing
Rz <0.5μm

Stainless steel PH1

EOS Stainless Steel PH1 is a pre-alloyed stainless steel in fine powder form. The chemical compositions of EOS Stainless Steel PH1 conforms to the compositions of DIN 1.4540 and UNS S15500, and it is presented in the following table:

Material composition (weight %)
Fe Cr Ni Cu Mn Si C Mo Nb
balance 14‑15.5 3.5-5.5 2.5‑4.5 <1.0 <1.0 <0.07 <0.5 0.15-0.45

This kind of steel is characterized by having good corrosion resistance and excellent mechanical properties, especially in the precipitation hardened state. This type of steel is widely used in variety of engineering applications requiring high hardness, strength and corrosion resistance.

This material is ideal for many part-building applications (DirectPart) such as functional metal prototypes, small series products, individualized products or spare parts. Standard processing parameters use full melting of the entire geometry with 20 μm layer thickness. Using standard parameters the mechanical properties are fairly uniform in all directions. Parts made from EOS Stainless Steel PH1 can be machined, spark-eroded, welded, micro shot-peened, polished and coated if required.

Mechanical properties
Property Value
Tensile strength As built Heat treatment
-building direction 1200±50 MPa 1450±100 MPa
-transversal direction 1200±50 MPa 1440±100 MPa
Yield strength As built Heat treatment
-building direction 930±75 MPa 1300±100 MPa
-transversal direction 1025±85 MPa 1350±100 MPa
Elongation at break As built Heat treatment
-building direction 14±4 % 13±3 %
-transversal direction 17±4 % 15±3 %
Modulus of elasticity As built Heat treatment
-building direction ? ?
-transversal direction ? ?
Hardness ?
Product properties
Property Value
Layer thickness 20μm
Density 7.7 g/cm3
Relative density ≈100%
Dimension accuracy
-small parts ±20-50 μm
-large parts ± 0.2%
Min. wall thickness 0.4 mm
Surface roughness
After shot-peening
Ra 5 μm
Rz 25 μm
After polishing
Rz <0.5μm

Maraging stainless steel CX

EOS Stainless Steel CX is a tooling grade steel characterized by good corrosion resistance combined with high strength and hardness. The chemical composition is given in the following table:

Material composition (weight %)
Fe Cr Ni Mo Al Mn So C
balance 11-13 8.4-10 1.1-1.7 1.2-2.0 <0.4 <0.4 <0,05

This material is intended for:

  • engineering applications including functional prototypes, small series products, individualized products or spare parts;
  • parts requiring high corrosion resistance, sterility, etc.
  • parts requiring particularly high hardness and strength.
Mechanical properties
Property Value
Tensile strength
As built 1080 MPa
Heat-treated 1760 MPa
Yield strength
As built 840 MPa
Heat-treated 1070 MPa
Elongation at break
As built 0,14
Heat-treated 0,07
Modulus of elasticity
-building direction ?
-transversal direction ?
Hardness > 51 HRC
Product properties
Property Value
Layer thickness 30 μm
Density 7.7 g/cm3
Relative density ≈100%
Dimension accuracy
-small parts ?
-large parts ?
Min. wall thickness ?
Surface roughness
After shot-peening
Ra 5 μm
Rz 25 μm
After polishing
Rz ?

2.dr/ · Last modified: 2022/01/09 00:14 by soskicz

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