Table of Contents
The influence of machining to fatigue performance of DMLS/SLM products
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This page discusses the influence of removal of surface layer of products by machining to fatigue performance of products made from different materials.
Here come the design rules
Mechanism of the influence
Due to the intensive heating and cooling characteristics for this production technology, the surface layers of SMLS/SLM products are subjected to tensile residual stresses that facilitate crack propagation and reduce fatigue resistance of DMLS/SLSM products. The removal of of the surface layer by machining, as a prost-processing step, thus improves fatigue performance of product manufactured b DMLS/SLSM technology.
S-N curves and fatigue limits
The following figures and tables present the results of the studies the influence of machining and thickness of allowance to fatigue performance in finite life domain and fatigue limit of maraging steel MS1, stainless steel PH1 and maraging stainless steel CX obtained during the A_MADAM project. The outline of the tables follows the notation and conventions described at the page Fatigue design rules for DMLS/SLM products. The thickness of allowance is indicated in the figures.