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A_MADAM project
This page pays tribute to the A_MADAM project and Horizon 2020 program for funding the development of this open public digital repository that presents information to wide circle of mechanical designers and students, thus representing an example of the Open Science and Open Access concepts.
A_MADAM is the abbreviation for the name of the Horizon 2020 project “Advanced design rules for optimal dynamic properties of additive manufacturing products”, that was between 2017-2021 realized by the project consortium consisting of two academic institutions:
- "3D Impulse" Laboratory for Mechanical Design from University of Kragujevac /Serbia/ (UniKv)
- Department of Industrial Engineering of University of Bologna /Italy/ (UniBo)
and three innovative SMEs:
- "Studio Pedrini" from Bologna /Italy/
- "Plamingo" from Gračanica /Bosnia and Herzegovina/
- "Topomatika" from Zagreb /Croatia/
The Project Manager was prof. Snežana Ćirić Kostić from UniKv, while the Scientific Manager of the Project was prof. Giangiacomo Minak from UniBo.
The A_MADAM project had the mission to enhance application of the additive manufacturing (AM) in mechanical engineering. Its research objective was to study proper ways to design mechanical components and structures to be able to withstand dynamic loads that arise in exploitation, but its ultimate goal was to disseminate the knowledge to the mechanical designers in industry and students of mechanical engineering. That goal is achieved through this open digital repository, as its key parts are the results of the A_MADAM project, fatigue design rules for steel products made by DMLS/SLM tehcnology, as well as fracture resistance of products of SLS and MJF technologies.
Additive manufacturing (AM) belongs to key enabling technologies in which Europe has the leading research role. The AM technologies put considerably fewer limits on shape of the manufactured objects than the traditional sutractive and formative technologies, and offer unparalleled freedom of design to industrial and mechanical designers. Since the AM technologies are insensitive to production scale, they put in focus knowledge and creativity of designers instead of low prices of mass production, also paving the way to development of new business models. The AM technologies, therefore, represent a technology platform that may best serve Europe in its intention to develop knowledge-based economy, driven by innovation.
However, the industrial deployment of AM technologies is hindered by a gap that exists between the excellent research and its exploitation in industry. The research knowledge about the AM technologies is published in scientific journals and in conference proceedings, in a form suitable for researchers. On the other hand, industrial and mechanical designers in their work use sets of design rules, which represent condensed and comprehensive form of the research findings that are easy to follow. The lack of sets of design rules for AM technologies is one of important reasons why many engineers often prefer conventional technologies to AM.
The A_MADAM project intention was to to carry out systematic studies of dynamic mechanical properties (fatigue, fracture mechanics and impact resistance) of products manufactured by AM, with the goal to establish a proper rule set for design of products of AM technologies with optimal dynamic properties. Since the aim of the project was to “translate” the research findings into engineering rules, the consortium consisted of two universities and three SMEs that use AM technologies for rapid prototyping, rapid manufacturing and rapid tooling applications.
More about A_MADAM
More data about the A_MADAM project may be found at its website