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We are looking for collaborators with expertise in AM design!

The Editor

Authors (in alphabetical order)

  • Bogojević, Nebojša, associate professor of University of Kragujevac /Serbia/, General design requirements and guidelines for SLS and DMLS/SLM technologies
  • Ćirić-Kostić, Snežana, associate professor of University of Kragujevac /Serbia/, general design rules, process-specific design rules
  • Croccolo, Dario, full professor of University of Bologna /Italy/, fatigue of DMLS/SLM products, experiment and analysis
  • Minak, Giangiacomo, associate professor of University of Bologna /Italy/, fracture toughness of SLS and MJF products, experiment and analysis
  • Monti, Michele, Head of the Juno Design-Studio Pedrini Group, AM costs
  • Muharemović, Nusret, Head Constructor of Plamingo /Bosnia and Herzegovina/, design for rapid tooling
  • Olmi, Giorgio, associate professor of University of Bologna /Italy/, fatigue of DMLS/SLM products, experiment and analysis
  • Šoškić Zlatan, full professor of University of Kragujevac /Serbia/, website design and maintenance

Looking for collaborators

As the A_MADAM project team is aware of limits of its expertise, we are inviting the authors for contributions for design of the following pages (which may be expanded into sections):

While these pages require design or at least substantial re-design, all the contributions to the D4AM are welcome.

We are kindly asking the interested authors to contact the editor of D4AM for all information and propositions.

1.intro/1.3.contributors.txt · Last modified: 2022/01/08 23:06 by soskicz

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